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Re: [sap-acct] Error in Transaction F110-Automatic payment

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Posted by VidhyaDhar (User-friendly SAP FI Consultant)
on Nov 1 at 4:12 AM
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HI Bettan

I suggest that review correctness of configuration of your Automatic
Payment Program. Thereafter , if you still receive an error, please check if
you have earlier parameters and proposals left unattended to ( dangling
proposals ). Get rid of them by deleting and try creating fresh parameters
, proposal and then execute. You might not get an error.

Check it out and share your findings with me, please



---------------Original Message---------------
From: USER_2131755
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 3:43 AM
Subject: Error in Transaction F110-Automatic payment

Hello Friends,

I'm getting the following error in Tran.F110,while trying to display
Payment Run after entering all the required parameters correctly

* company codes X/Y do not appear in proposal----- correct.*
I am getting the above error even after entering Paying & Sending co code in
' 'Maintain Parameters & Maintain Variant' screens.

Please advice.

Thanks in advance

with regards,

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