At a previous job, we had reqs route to cost center and internal order owners. Release strategy config was simple: Release codes - (manager, director, VP, Executive) and a '9' Release strategies (manager, director, vp, executive, blocks) Classification included: - AAC (K,F) - Creation Indicator (real time) - Plant - Total Value of Req (characteristics amount followed manager, director, vp, executive levels) - Item Category Each position in the HR mini master was assinged a 'job' which correlated to the release strategies (manager, director, vp, executive and individual). If the postition had a manager 'job' - that position had the authority to approver a manager level (i.e. $0 - $5000). The workflow would look at the cost center or internal order number, go to the cost center or internal order master to find the user responsible, then go to the HR mini master and look for that user. If the cc/io owner had a 'job' that allowed them to approve the $ amount, it would route that that user for approval. If the cc/io owner did not have a 'job' that allowed them to approver the $ amount, the req would route to the next position above that did have the authority. The cc/io owner would also receive a notification that a req was being charged to their cc/io.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: sapnomad Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 2:05 PM Subject: Custom workflow approvals for PR I have a few basic assumptions I'd like to get verified. Our release strategy for PR approval has become too inflexible to meet some new PR approval rules. 1) I'm assuming there is no user exit, or it makes no sense, to start building custom code on the current release strategy config? 2) With that the case, I'm assuming that we'll be able to achieve our objectives by abandoning the release strategy altogether and going with custom workflow. 3) We are running backend MM but have plans to deploy SCM in the future. When we do self-service purchasing, I'm assuming any custom workflows we build now for PR approvals can be fully leveraged within SCM?
Thanks for any input!
Vlad | | __.____._ Copyright © 2010 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Related Content Most Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |