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RE:[sap-hr] Balance Wage Types

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Posted by JG-SAPHR (Senior SAP HR Consultant)
on Oct 17 at 9:41 PM
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Hi Teresa

A suggestion for your scenario:
a)Create w/t's for carried over from last year for both - balance and dedn, by copying the existing ones. This will result in T51P1 entries similar to the existing ones.
b)To elect to contribute in following year - create a pers action -
- provide a screen to enter old balance w/t,
- this should trigger dynamic action - to
- call a function (i.e., a subroutine in any suitable program you are currently using for dynamic action routines)- to get the balance from the RT and pass the balance amt and the corresponding new dedn w/t and balance w/t.
- then it should pass the new w/t's and amt,
- next action would be creating the new balance and dedn for the empl.

You may have to try this out and correct/tune the function module.

Can you please post how you go & resolve this requirement?

Hope this helps.
Regards, JG

---------------Original Message---------------
From: TreTrip
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 9:54 AM
Subject: Balance Wage Types

Hello SAP Friends,

Please provide your expert opinion on the following scenario. We currently have united way tied to a balance wage type. In some cases the employee may not satisfy the entire balance in a given year, however if he may elect to contribute the following year, from a master data perspective he would have a new infotype 14 record created as well as a new balance wage type create. What happens is the prior balance that was not satisfied is combined with the new balance that was created. Since we do not want to deduct this wage type retroactively the employee may be over deducted in that year. I would much prefer for this to be handled from a master data stand point by reducing the prior year balance by what was not deducted, however since this is a large company there could be several hundred employees that fall into this scenario. Can you provide a suggestion on how your company handles this, for example via rule, master data or however. Your opinion is appreciated and resp


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