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RE:[sap-hr] To01 and To02 pcrs in Time Management

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Posted by JG-SAPHR (Senior SAP HR Consultant)
on Aug 7 at 9:59 AM
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Hi Prasad

TO01 initialises the time types used to determine the OT in a day. Then TO02 checks the no. of hrs worked ( proc type S is for normal attendance). Then determines the Overtime hrs for the day and spits the time pair for normal hrs and OT hrs (collected as proc type M)..
Often business requirement is that when an employee clocks more than the normal standard working hours on a day, the excess is considered as overtime.
In some clients, the OT is specifically entered with a certain attendance type.

One can work out what each rule does by going through each operation in a rule. Then see the next rules.
The contextual help for each operation/function is pretty good so that a functional person can understand.

The documentation of the rules also help to understand its functionality. Doc. of rules and schemas are important and not to be ignored. It helps future problem solution and future changes/enhancements.

Hope this helps.
Regards, JG

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sap_hr
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 6:26 AM
Subject: To01 and To02 pcrs in Time Management

> Dear All,
> Could any one let me know what is the exact meaning for To01 and To02 pcrs in Time Management in detail.
> Regards,
> Prasad

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