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But one thing I forget to say that ... Please consult FI team also before update the info structures. We faced this problem with auditing. Once there are no affects - go ahead. Regards, Syed Hussain. From: Tehseen Akbar via sap-log-mm <> To: Syed Hussain Ali Saleh Mohemmad email@removed Sent: Sat, 10 July, 2010 11:23:21 PM Subject: RE: [sap-log-mm] Table S039 has no data Posted by Tehseen Akbar on Jul 10 at 4:18 PM Mark as helpful Thanks, Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 13:17:51 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [sap-log-mm] Table S036 has no data To: email@removed Posted by Syed Hussain Ali Saleh Mohemmad on Jul 10 at 4:14 PM Mark as helpful Dear, S039 This information structure includes all of the key figures that are available in Inventory Controlling, including all of the extra key figures (range of coverage, inventory turnovers, key figures that are calculated using the mean value). No actual data is written to this information structure. This information structure provides the basis for flexible planning. If you wish to fill the information structure S039 with actual data, then you can use the report RMCBS039. It is always advisable to fill this information structure with actual data if you want to access actual data for the forecast during planning, or if you want use the flexible analysis to evaluate the extra key figures from Inventory Controlling. Syed Hussain. From: Tehseen Akbar via sap-log-mm <>> To: Syed Hussain Ali Saleh Mohemmad email@removed Sent: Sat, 10 July, 2010 11:13:14 PM Subject: RE: [sap-log-mm] Table S036 has no data Posted by Tehseen Akbar on Jul 10 at 4:09 PM Mark as helpful I know the table, it is S039, but there is no data in it. Subject: Re: [sap-log-mm] Table S036 has no data To: email@removed From: Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 19:58:54 +0000 Posted by Nyandiek (SAP Business Functions Analyst (Logistics)) on Jul 10 at 3:57 PM Mark as helpful Do the tcode and place your cursor on the field for the data that you want then press FI and then on the menu choose technical attributes (the tools icon) and find the relevant table. Soulman -----Original Message----- From: "Tehseen Akbar via sap-log-mm" <>>> Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 19:37:16 To: Nyandiekemail@removed Reply-To: Subject: [sap-log-mm] Table S036 has no data Hi Experts, I am trying to develop an ABAP report and need data from sales tables and table S039. When I run MC.9 or MCBA I am able to see the data but when I check the table , then there are no records. From which table can I get the data that appears in MC.9 or MCBA. Appreciate your support. Thanks & Regards Tehseen Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. | __.____._ Copyright © 2010 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | _.____.__ |