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RE: [sap-acct] prepare vat returns report for quaterly

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Posted by daryla (Mr)
on Jul 26 at 2:27 AM
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Try using the following T-Code if it is activated at your organization. S_ALR_87012359

"I can do all things through Christ Jesus Who strenghtens me."

From: pratipotluri via sap-acct [mailto:sap-acct@groups.ittoolbox.com]
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 8:23 AM
To: Daryl Abraham
Subject: [sap-acct] prepare vat returns report for quaterly

Posted by pratipotluri
on Jul 26 at 2:20 AM

I have prepared vat returns quaterly say from jan - march now i need the reports for puchases, sales and vat return of the both in detailed manner and i have to know how much vat has come upto that particular period with full details like netpur+vat+grosspur the same manner in sales and the quarterly vat amount.


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