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Re: [sap-acct] Company Identification on ACH file

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Posted by leifziehrer
on Jul 26 at 2:30 AM
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'Company Identification' is a field in the variant for program RFFOUS_T,
Just maintain the variant.

Best regards/
med venlig hilsen,
Leif Ziehrer

"monica_sharma via sap-acct" <sap-acct@Groups.ITtoolbox.com>
23-07-2010 17:15
Please respond to

leifziehrer email@removed

[sap-acct] Company Identification on ACH file

Posted by monica_sharma
on Jul 23 at 11:12 AM

Hi Friends,
I configured RFFOUS_T for US ACH payment. When I send ACH CTX file to Bank
it is not reflecting Company Identification (line starting 5 field
T001Z-PAVAL. How to populate this field on the output file.
Need your help indeed

Monica Sharma

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