[sap-basis] Upgrade MS SQL 2005 platform to MS SQL 2008 - Update the JDBC driver issue
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| Posted by Joao Dimas (SAP Basis -- BC Administrator) on May 8 at 12:06 PM |
Hello to all,
I am planning to do an upgrade of a sap system (SAP ECC 6.0) from SQL Server 2005 to an SQL Server 2008 but I am facing with a little problem. This system has two stacks - ABAP + JAVA - and because of that the Upgrade Guide to MS SQL Server 2008 describe which are the requirements for this upgrade DB platform, and one of them is this:
"If you use a Java system, you have updated the JDBC driver as described in SAP Note 639702"
... the updated of JDBC driver when we have in system a Java part, like it has in this case! But I am with a serious problems to find in SAP System Files in Windows 2003 Server the four files that is mentioned in that note 639702. I can not find it anywhere... in note says:
"Depending on the SAP release and the system configuration, the driver files base.jar, util.jar, sqlserver.jar, and spy.jar are available in an installed system at:
(NetWeaver'04, Java:) usr\sap\<SAP SID>\JC<InstanceNumber>\j2ee\jdbc
(NetWeaver'04, ABAP+Java:) usr\sap\<SAP SID>\DVEBMGS<InstanceNumber>\j2ee\jdbc
(NetWeaver 2004s:) usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SYS\exe\<NUC|UC>\Platform\mssjdbc"
But... still I did not find them! I also read other note 1109274 - New JDBC driver for NetWeaver 7.0 and higher but even so I still can not find it! :-(
Can you help me to find this files on my operation system? I have to update that JDBC... but of course for this task I have to find it first!!!
Best regards,
Joao Dimas - Portugal
__.____._ I am planning to do an upgrade of a sap system (SAP ECC 6.0) from SQL Server 2005 to an SQL Server 2008 but I am facing with a little problem. This system has two stacks - ABAP + JAVA - and because of that the Upgrade Guide to MS SQL Server 2008 describe which are the requirements for this upgrade DB platform, and one of them is this:
"If you use a Java system, you have updated the JDBC driver as described in SAP Note 639702"
... the updated of JDBC driver when we have in system a Java part, like it has in this case! But I am with a serious problems to find in SAP System Files in Windows 2003 Server the four files that is mentioned in that note 639702. I can not find it anywhere... in note says:
"Depending on the SAP release and the system configuration, the driver files base.jar, util.jar, sqlserver.jar, and spy.jar are available in an installed system at:
(NetWeaver'04, Java:) usr\sap\<SAP SID>\JC<InstanceNumber>\j2ee\jdbc
(NetWeaver'04, ABAP+Java:) usr\sap\<SAP SID>\DVEBMGS<InstanceNumber>\j2ee\jdbc
(NetWeaver 2004s:) usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SYS\exe\<NUC|UC>\Platform\mssjdbc"
But... still I did not find them! I also read other note 1109274 - New JDBC driver for NetWeaver 7.0 and higher but even so I still can not find it! :-(
Can you help me to find this files on my operation system? I have to update that JDBC... but of course for this task I have to find it first!!!
Best regards,
Joao Dimas - Portugal
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