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Re: [sap-hr] Unions processing in HCM OM and PA

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Posted by Manoj Gupta (Team Lead - HR/Payroll)
on May 24 at 1:08 AM
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Hi Vman,

Configuration for OM/PA to include Union and non-union employees depends on
how many unions are active in the company.

For OM,

1. Does it have separate Org Unit/Position for Union or non-union
2. Does company need to define default PA/PSA for each org unit/position?

For PA -

1. To configure unique OT and absence quota generation rules can be
maintained by PS/PSA/EG and ESG.
2. If active unions are > 10 in one location, better to configure EMPLR
on IT0001 and then redefine TMON, UMOD
3. IT0016 can be used to map union rules on hiring new employee to map
corredping union rules.

Create some possible scenarios and analyze them based on the steps defined
above and figure out the best solutions.

Hope it would help you.

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Vman2006 via sap-hr <
sap-hr@groups.ittoolbox.com> wrote:

> Posted by Vman2006
> on May 23 at 7:51 PM
> Hi Colleagues,
> Any guidelines on how to set up the Enterprise Structure and Personnel
> Structures when implementing HCM for a client that has Unions and Union
> employees. Have not done this before. What kind of things must I take into
> account when configuring OM and PA modules? What kind of questions should be
> asked of the client? And is IT0016 used for Unions? Thanks so much in
> advance for your answer. - VMAN
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Manoj Gupta
SAP HR Helper

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