RE:[sap-hr] HR Time Management
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| Posted by JG-SAPHR (Senior SAP HR Consultant) on Apr 25 at 9:47 AM | |
Hi Freedom I am not sure if your problem has been resolved. Anyway, here is my tuppence worth feedback. I am on holidays, hence the delay in feedback. 1)If an empl works in one pattern which is for every n weeks, then you will need a rolling type of PWS. This is used in certain type of shift workers. For example, with n = 2, a PWS may have: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 wk 1: dws1 dws1 dws2 dws2 off dws2 off wk 2: off dws2 dws1 dws2 dws2 off dws2 wk 3 same as wk 1 wk 4 same as wk 2 ...etc. Also a PWS can be used in more than one WSR. For example, with the above PWS, one set of workers may be using a WSR with starting date as 1/1/2010 and relative day = 1 and another group with relative day = 8. 2)Otherwise, you just need normal work schedules which have just one week in the PWS. If the empl changes the WS from a given date, assign another WSR from that date. If the WSR is not created yet, configure any necessar DWS, a PWS & WSR and generate the WS before assigning the WSR. 3)Substitution IT 2003 is required only for temporary changes in a person's WS. For example, if an empl changes on one day to off or a different from/to hours, you enter IT 2003 for that day using a DWS or from/to hours (DWS is preferable, as a DWS class can be used to generate the required wage type for that day through V_T510S). Hope this helps. Regards, JG
---------------Original Message--------------- From: Freedom123 Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1:59 AM Subject: HR Time Management > Hello, > I have a scenario in the company where a particular employee is going to work on Mon to Thursday and takes an off on FRI and works on SAT instead.The work schedule is for 5 working days. This is his schedule for 1 month and then the next month he works on MON to FRI , takes an off on SAT. Sunday is a mandatory off. His 3rd week in the 2nd month has Thursday as a holiday. Can you please help me with the steps of customizing and how this would be done. > > Your replies will be of great help. > > Thanks
__.____._ ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Freedom123 Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1:59 AM Subject: HR Time Management > Hello, > I have a scenario in the company where a particular employee is going to work on Mon to Thursday and takes an off on FRI and works on SAT instead.The work schedule is for 5 working days. This is his schedule for 1 month and then the next month he works on MON to FRI , takes an off on SAT. Sunday is a mandatory off. His 3rd week in the 2nd month has Thursday as a holiday. Can you please help me with the steps of customizing and how this would be done. > > Your replies will be of great help. > > Thanks
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