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RE:[sap-dev] How the invoice no parameter passes from VF03 to smartform

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Posted by Hemaanchan (SAP)
on Mar 20 at 1:58 AM
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Thanks for the replies,
I requirement is to preview the smartform through driver program, not through business transactions like vF02, vf03. I got RV_MESSAGE_UPDATE_SINGLE and WFMC_MESSAGES_PROCESS Function Modules to update the NAST table.

I had taken Invoice no as parameter and Code is writen as follows

SELECT SINGLE kunrg INTO v_kunrg FROM vbrk WHERE vbeln = p_vbeln.

wa_nast-mandt = sy-mandt.
wa_nast-kappl = 'V3'.
wa_nast-objky = p_vbeln.
wa_nast-kschl = 'J1I0'.
wa_nast-spras = 'E'.
wa_nast-parnr = v_kunrg.
wa_nast-parvw = 'RE'. "'AG'.
wa_nast-erdat = sy-datum.
wa_nast-eruhr = sy-uzeit .
wa_nast-nacha = '6'.
wa_nast-anzal = '01'.
wa_nast-vsztp = '1'.
wa_nast-vstat = '0'.

msg_nast = wa_nast.

DATA: lt_msg_nast type table of msg0,
ls_msg0 like msg0,
t_disp type table of naliv2.

move-corresponding wa_nast to ls_msg0.
append ls_msg0 to lt_msg_nast.

pi_display_id = 'NALIV2'
pi_no_dialog = 'X'
tx_messages = lt_msg_nast
tx_display = t_disp.

This wil update the NAST table i wil be able to run the smartform from driver program itself. But i am not able to run it. Can u pls suggest me where i am missing out. What else setting required.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Hemaanchan
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 10:49 PM
Subject: How the invoice no parameter passes from VF03 to smartform

> Hi Experts...
> I have i doubt about how the paramter passes from VF03 to smartform. Because when i run the smartform directly from driver program no internal tables were populated and only balnk data dispalyes. When it run from VF03 all the data displayes properly. I am not understanding how the parameters are passes from.
> is_bil_invoice TYPE lbbil_invoice is used here.
> Pls help and give me some idea to start.
> Thanks in advance,
> Hema
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