Re: [sap-acct] How to create Group Account Number
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| Posted by Vidhyadhar (User-friendly Consultant) on Mar 28 at 12:08 AM | |
Hi Maxarora
I suppose you are using reading material TFIN50 (Part One). If so and If you
do it in line with what has been stipulated in the material, then things
should be working out Okay. However, there is a possibility that you /
somebody inadvertently assigned the incorrect chart of accounts to your
company code. Any way, do not bother.........
What I would suggest you to do is that you
1) *check the Chart of accounts / Charts of accounts, as the case may be,
which stand(s) assigned to your company code.
*You could do this by going into IMG screen :*
* Path:*
IMG > Financial Accounting > General Ledger Accounting > G/L Accounts >
Master Data > Preparations > Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts
Click on the push button Position and type your four-character long company
code .
Check if the Chrt/ Accts column displays *INT* and Cty ch/Act displays
*GKR*against your company code. It is most likely that this would not
be the case
( I infer this based on the problem quoted ). Just type INT and GKR in place
of what you see against the said columns against your company code and save
(using the floppy icon and look for a confirmatory message at the bottom
left of your screen).
2) *check the properties of the chart of accounts INT which must contain
CONS as the group chart of accounts.*
*You could do this by going into IMG screen :*
* Path:*
IMG > Financial Accounting > General Ledger Accounting > G/L Accounts >
Master Data > Preparations > Edit Chart of Accounts List
*(***** *Please do not change anything in the following screen other than
what I tell you....*this is important* !........*)*
Click on the push button Position and type INT in the dialog box which is
presented to you.
Select the row with the first column showing up INT.
Double click on it
In the following screen just make sure that the field called Group Chart of
Accts contains the words *CONS*.
In case it does not, type *CONS* and save .
3) *check that G L Account 312600 exists
*You could do this by going into EASY ACCESS screen :*
* Path:*
Easy Access > SAP Menu > Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger
> Master Records > G/L Accounts > Individual Processing > In Chart of
In the ensuing screen, type *312600 *in the field G/L Account No. and
*CONS*in the Chart of Accts. Field and click on the eyeglass
*(***** *Please do not change anything in the screen ....*this is
If you see the description as Other General Expenses, then things are Okay.
Now you can proceed to work as per your exercise....and it should work......
Try it out and please do let me know...............
On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 12:07 AM, maxarora via sap-acct <> wrote:
> Posted by maxarora
> on Mar 27 at 2:40 PM
> Hi guys, I'll appreciate if someone can help me on this problem. I'm
> getting training on SAP on my own going through the official SAP
> certification material. I'm at creating a GL account for Entertainment
> Expenses. Everything was going well until I got stuck at Group Account
> Number. I can't pass through this problem (spent almost 2 hours on it). As
> per instructions, I've copied COA from CC1000 to my new CC. I've already
> searched the forums but nothing found yet that relate to my problem. So here
> is what I did:
> Creating a GL account AE0180 "Centerally"
> Account Group: Authorized Expense 80 [I created it according to the
> instructions: AC Group: AE80, range AE0000 - AE9999]
> P&L Statement Account: Yes
> P&L acct Type: X
> Short/Long Text: Entertainment Expenses
> Trading Partner: no
> Group Account Number: ????
> According to the instructions Group Account Number should 312600. But When
> I enter this and try to save the GL account, I get this message "Account
> 312600 does not exist in COA CAUS. The strange thing is that my COA is INT
> not CAUS. I also tried to search for INT COA by clicking the drop down icon
> in Group Acct number field, but it is grayed out and still CAUS. I tried to
> enter different Grp Act. no. but got the same msg.
> Thanks for the help.
__.____._ I suppose you are using reading material TFIN50 (Part One). If so and If you
do it in line with what has been stipulated in the material, then things
should be working out Okay. However, there is a possibility that you /
somebody inadvertently assigned the incorrect chart of accounts to your
company code. Any way, do not bother.........
What I would suggest you to do is that you
1) *check the Chart of accounts / Charts of accounts, as the case may be,
which stand(s) assigned to your company code.
*You could do this by going into IMG screen :*
* Path:*
IMG > Financial Accounting > General Ledger Accounting > G/L Accounts >
Master Data > Preparations > Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts
Click on the push button Position and type your four-character long company
code .
Check if the Chrt/ Accts column displays *INT* and Cty ch/Act displays
*GKR*against your company code. It is most likely that this would not
be the case
( I infer this based on the problem quoted ). Just type INT and GKR in place
of what you see against the said columns against your company code and save
(using the floppy icon and look for a confirmatory message at the bottom
left of your screen).
2) *check the properties of the chart of accounts INT which must contain
CONS as the group chart of accounts.*
*You could do this by going into IMG screen :*
* Path:*
IMG > Financial Accounting > General Ledger Accounting > G/L Accounts >
Master Data > Preparations > Edit Chart of Accounts List
*(***** *Please do not change anything in the following screen other than
what I tell you....*this is important* !........*)*
Click on the push button Position and type INT in the dialog box which is
presented to you.
Select the row with the first column showing up INT.
Double click on it
In the following screen just make sure that the field called Group Chart of
Accts contains the words *CONS*.
In case it does not, type *CONS* and save .
3) *check that G L Account 312600 exists
*You could do this by going into EASY ACCESS screen :*
* Path:*
Easy Access > SAP Menu > Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger
> Master Records > G/L Accounts > Individual Processing > In Chart of
In the ensuing screen, type *312600 *in the field G/L Account No. and
*CONS*in the Chart of Accts. Field and click on the eyeglass
*(***** *Please do not change anything in the screen ....*this is
If you see the description as Other General Expenses, then things are Okay.
Now you can proceed to work as per your exercise....and it should work......
Try it out and please do let me know...............
On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 12:07 AM, maxarora via sap-acct <> wrote:
> Posted by maxarora
> on Mar 27 at 2:40 PM
> Hi guys, I'll appreciate if someone can help me on this problem. I'm
> getting training on SAP on my own going through the official SAP
> certification material. I'm at creating a GL account for Entertainment
> Expenses. Everything was going well until I got stuck at Group Account
> Number. I can't pass through this problem (spent almost 2 hours on it). As
> per instructions, I've copied COA from CC1000 to my new CC. I've already
> searched the forums but nothing found yet that relate to my problem. So here
> is what I did:
> Creating a GL account AE0180 "Centerally"
> Account Group: Authorized Expense 80 [I created it according to the
> instructions: AC Group: AE80, range AE0000 - AE9999]
> P&L Statement Account: Yes
> P&L acct Type: X
> Short/Long Text: Entertainment Expenses
> Trading Partner: no
> Group Account Number: ????
> According to the instructions Group Account Number should 312600. But When
> I enter this and try to save the GL account, I get this message "Account
> 312600 does not exist in COA CAUS. The strange thing is that my COA is INT
> not CAUS. I also tried to search for INT COA by clicking the drop down icon
> in Group Acct number field, but it is grayed out and still CAUS. I tried to
> enter different Grp Act. no. but got the same msg.
> Thanks for the help.
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