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RE:[sap-log-mm] Discount Configuration MM

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Posted by ha_tran (Senior SAP Supply Chain Business Analyst)
on Feb 27 at 9:54 PM
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There is a very critical information which you failed to indicate in your long thread - which type of discount did you refer to? Is it cash discount (which is based upon the terms of payment) or a normal purchasing discount (for which a standard/customized condition type is defined and used)? The system behavior as well as your related configuration will clarify all of your inquiries.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: DianneT
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 12:34 AM
Subject: Discount Configuration MM

> I'm understanding there are two (2) ways of configuring Discounts for MM: These ways are Net and Gross.
> If I'm understanding correctly, NET is on the base amount (ex tax) and Gross is on the total amount including tax. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM THIS?
> I'm also understanding that you can configure the "discount" to be taken at time of "Goods Receipt" or "Invoice Posting" (whichever comes first) OR not until the "payment run" (if the payment date allows for the discount e.g. 2% 10, net 30 and baseline date is invoice date...if payment made within 10 days of invoice date the system would calculate the discount and pay invoice less the discount.) CAN SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM?
> Now, I am understanding that "if" we are configured to take discount NET at time of Goods Receipt or Invoice Posting (not at time of payment run)...the payment amount will go to "account assignment" (not the amount before discount) and the "discount" amount (e.g. the 2%) would go to a discount earned account. If we made the payment and it was not in time for discount to be taken...at time of payment run the "discount" would be booked as a "discount lost" and the account assignment would not be debited with the additional expense. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM THIS?
> I'm understanding if the configuration is to take the discount at time of "payment run" (not at goods receipt or invoice posting)...the Account Assignment "always" shows the "full amount" and NEVER gets credited for the discount. The discount would go to "discount earned" account. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM THIS?
> Can someone please confirm the steps for "configuring" discounts in MM (including TCodes in SPRO) and the different settings required for taking the discount at time of goods receipt/invoice receipt vs payment run?
> I'm assuming that all that is required "after" this configuration is done is to setup Payment Terms. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM?
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