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RE:[sap-hr] config steps to reduce half day pay (unpaid leave)

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Posted by Donna
on Feb 13 at 8:55 PM
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If I understand your requirement, you simply want this unpaid absence to reduce salary for the equivalent of the amount of hours being entered. The key to this is the counting rule. For proration (a.k.a. factoring or salary reduction), Counting Classes are used to reduce the salary. If you check the reduction formulas in personnel calculation rule XPP1 (which is called through XPPF and XPP0) you'll see a statement RTE-TSAU**. This subtracts the number of hours in the Unpaid Absence Counting Classes. The four hours (from your example) of the unpaid absence are moved to the counting class during the processing of PAB in payroll.
To configure the absence to fill an unpaid absence counting class, use table T554C. This has two primary keys: 1) Absence Valuation Grouping (The Modif A value set during payroll processing); 2) Valuation rule (two-digit code assigned to the absence type on T554S). In the "Form Count Classes" section of the absence valuation rule that uses the keys assigned to your employee type and absence type, deselect the "Paid" checkbox. The absence will now fill the unpaid counting class of the number specified on this line.
If you have trouble identifying the values for the keys to the table, simply run payroll with the log on for an employee with this absence type and review the details under PAB. The keys will be listed.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sapemails2see
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 3:30 PM
Subject: config steps to reduce half day pay (unpaid leave)

> I have created a new absence type and recorded an absence for an employee<br/>using that absence type (4 hours - half day)<br/>I would like to let payroll know that for this employee, deduct half day<br/>salary as the employee was absent for half day (unpaid leave). So that when<br/>i run the payroll, the employees gets the salary less by half day salary.<br/>Please let me know the config steps to do so.<br/>Rob
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