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RE:[sap-basis] Client export and import for SR3 to EHP4

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Posted by Saravanan (Basis / DBA)
on Feb 20 at 10:19 AM
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thanks for your responses i'll try your suggestions and let you know the status.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Lars-Erik Hallsten
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 7:15 AM
Subject: Client export and import for SR3 to EHP4

> Hi,<br/> <br/>I'm not sure if AIX 6.1 is supported, but a system copy from windows to AIX<br/>is generally no problem.<br/>You can check supported OS platforms in the Product Availability Matrix.<br/>http://service.sap.com/pam<br/> <br/>Regards,<br/>LEH
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