RE:[sap-log-pm] Maintenance order history
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| Posted by stafnergard (SAP Consultant) on Sep 4 at 4:48 AM | |
Try to also make the order Business Complete and see if it then appears as historical. TECO is just completing the order for further processing. Not sure about IW61, haven't used it - maybe it is to create historical order for history data only. (not process new orders). You might need to run an archiving session to make the orders historical but try with Business Complete first.
__.____._ Try to also make the order Business Complete and see if it then appears as historical. TECO is just completing the order for further processing. Not sure about IW61, haven't used it - maybe it is to create historical order for history data only. (not process new orders). You might need to run an archiving session to make the orders historical but try with Business Complete first.
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