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RE:[sap-log-pm] Maintenance order history

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Posted by sapfollower sapfollower
on Sep 3 at 9:20 PM
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Dear Robert and Stafnergard,
Thank you for you two reply.
I am a little confused about "maintenance order history" and "historical maintenance order ".Specially for the latter "historical maintenance order", the Help explain it like this :"The processing status of a maintenance order.When you close a maintenance order, the system transfers it with certain data into the maintenance history. It becomes an historical order."
In fact, when I use IW32 to complete maintenance order technically or for business, I can not list it in IW39(order status is to tick historical ). When I use IW61 to create an historical order, it can be listed in IW39(order status is to tick historical ). Could you please help me understand this?
Thank you.
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