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Re: [sap-acct] reconcile with cost of goods sold account & sales revenue account

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Posted by Madhusudhan (SAP-Application consultant(FI/CO))
on Aug 26 at 2:39 AM
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Dear Abhay,
1. When we procure Finished product from production the entry like...
Finish Good (stock) A/C DR
2. When you do PGI for this product entry like...
to Finish Good(Stock) Cr

3. While Billing
Sales Revenue(ERL) A/c Dr
to Customer A/c Cr
The above 1 and 2 steps get nullify your entries finally 3rd one Revenue a/c
and customer a/c s lays in you books,
If i am wrong up date me plz....

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 11:07 AM, sunilkumarpatra_sapsd via sap-acct <
sap-acct@groups.ittoolbox.com> wrote:
> Posted by
> sunilkumarpatra_sapsd (SAP
> Business Analyst)
> on Aug 26 at 1:38 AM Hi,
> i want to compare with my cost of goods sold account to my sales revenue
> account.
> After PGI my COGS a/c will be debited INVENTORY a/c will be credited so
> after sales my SALES a/c credit & customer a/c debit . I want to see what is
> the difference value of COGS a/c with respective billing Sales A/C
> No doudt we can see in Profit of margin in billing doc. It is quite
> impossible to see all document in respective wise. Please give a solution
> for which i can know what is profit of margin with comparing values in both
> of Account.
> Thank's
> Abhay
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