[sap-basis] SAP MMC red alert
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on 07/13/2009 12:53:00 PM
Hello all,
Please advice how can I proceed.
I restored my database oracle 10.2 non-unicode from un sistem non-unicode to another system SAP ECC 6 unicode. I changed my kernel in targhet system from unicode kernel to non-unicode kernel.
If i want to start sap system using windows script ( oradim -STARTUP -USRPWD sapucecc6 -SID EC6 -STARTTYPE inst -PFILE D:\oracle\EC6\database\initEC6.ora, and sapstart pf=\\sapecc\sapmnt\EC6\SYS\profile\EC6_DVEBMGS00_sapecc ) all works fine. The problem is when i try to start the sap system from SAPMMC, in sapmmc i receive the redalert and the sapcpe.EXE, strdbs.cmd could not be started, but the msg_server.exe, disp+work.exe and igs.EXE is green. I think this error is since the SAPMMC on the Unicode SAP system is not configure to start a non-unicode kernel.
The r3trans -d on the unicode sap system with nonunicode kernel returns error code <000>.
If i reinstall the sapmmc can resolve this issue?
All response will be welcome,
Regards Florin __.____._
4343 N. Scottsdale Road
Suite 280
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
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