RE:[sap-log-mm] Individual PREQ's creation using MRP
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on 07/13/2009 12:45:00 PM
My only thought is to use a nonstock item category on the maintenance order parts list. This should result in a purchase req with account assignment F costed to the order. Parts will require a GR but will not come into inventory, they will be immediately expensed to the order.
--- On Mon, 7/13/09, skcrtrd via sap-log-mm <> wrote:
From: skcrtrd via sap-log-mm <>
Subject: RE:[sap-log-mm] Individual PREQ's creation using MRP
To: "DEMDEM" <>
Date: Monday, July 13, 2009, 8:42 AM
We are implementing MRO - using Maintenance Order - for Serialized, Batch Managed materials. If we receive more than one item in on a batch and changed the valuation type downstream - it will change the valuation for all. We are not implementing split batch posting at this time. The client would like to have quantities of one for each PREQ to avoid complication downstream. __.____._
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