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RE: [sap-log-pp] Revision numbers of inventory

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Posted by vseward(SAP Business Analyst)
on 07/14/2009 01:00:00 PM

In MM02 > Additional data >unit of measure
Go to the glasses, this will be a list of all the revs.
To determine all that you have in Stock? unless you are using WM there
is no way to track what is in stock by rev.

Vickie Seward
SAP Business Analyst
vseward@alpha.com <mailto:vseward@alpha.com>

From: 5tevie via sap-log-pp [mailto:sap-log-pp@Groups.ITtoolbox.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 9:07 AM
To: Vickie Seward
Subject: [sap-log-pp] Revision numbers of inventory

Hi All,
I am trying to check how many revisions of certain part numbers that i'm
holding on stock. Can anyone point me to to how I can see that on SAP? I
cn only find the revision's on the purchase orders once they go to stock
they seem to be lost? Cheers

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