Re: [sap-basis] SAP Logon Pad for Windows has stopped working
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on 07/13/2009 12:23:00 PM
hi abhi
you mean to say that your system got dual operating system? check your
loopback adopter connection is enabled or not properly..if you are in
network check the network or check your message server connection is ok or
not in sapmmc console...let me know if i am correct or not else just
uninstall gui and install again....
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:31 PM, Abhilasa via sap-basis <> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I have a Windows Vista machine and when i access my Windows 2000 Server
> machine through the 6.20 sapgui client , on running few transactions , eg
> se80 mostly , I get the error "SAP Logon Pad for Windows has stopped
> working" and all the GUIs close.What could be the problem ? Do I need to
> install any software? Kindly suggest. __.____._
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