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RE:[sap-security] Changing sapcpic to dialog user

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Posted by Chris van Schijndel.(SAP Security Manager)
on 06/24/2009 02:31:00 AM

Hi Susan,
I'm not sure I'm getting why your auditors are asking you to change this user to a dialog user. Generally use of generic ids to log on with is not considered good practice - i'd have thought they'd be happier with it as a communication/CPIC user. In terms of the password, if it's a communication user you can always set it back to what it was I believe - like service users there is no "initial" password. That said, again I would expect the auditors to want to see it changed to something "not trivial" i.e. not a widely known default value. Watchout for any new RFCs that have been created that rely on that user id - you'll need to change the password in them too or move them to run on another communication user id.
Chris v S

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