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Background Jobs

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Background Jobs:

Background processing is used to: Reduce the load on the dialog processor, as the dialog wp duration is limited.

You can define and schedule background jobs in two ways from the Job Overview:

  • Directly from Transaction SM36.
  • The Job Wizard : To use the Job Wizard, start from Transaction SM36, there you'll find Job Wizard
  1. Call Transaction SM36.
  2. Assign a job name. Decide on a name for the job you are defining and enter it in the Job Name field.
  3. Set the job’s Priority or Job Class
  • High priority: Class A
  • Medium Priority: Class B
  • Low priority: Class C
Target server field, indicate whether to use system load balancing.
  • For the system to use system load balancing to automatically select the most efficient application server to use at the moment, leave this field empty.
  • To use a particular application server to run the job, enter a specific target server.
  1. If spool requests generated by this job are to be sent to someone as email, specify the email address. Choose the Spool list recipient button.
  2. Define when the job is to start by choosing Start Condition and completing the appropriate selections. If the job is to repeat, or be periodic, check the box at the bottom of this screen.
  3. Define the by choosing Step, then specify the ABAP program,external command or external programe to be used for each step.
  4. Save the fully defined job to submit it to the background processing system.

Status of Background Job:

Scheduled: Job created but start condition not defined.
Released: Job completely defined and is waiting for selection
Ready: Job has been selected for execution
Active: Job is being executed by a Background processor
Finished: Job successfully completed.
Canceled: Job terminated.

Start Condition:
Time Based : Immediate, At a date or time, On a chosen workday
Event Based: After an event, After a Job, After an operation mode switch.

Using SM37 you can monitor the Background Jobs.

Keyword: BASIS
Title : Background Jobs


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