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What are Changed Documents?

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When we do a Client Copy we often here that Changed Documents are not copied to the new client.

Changed Documents:- Change documents are nothing but history of changes made in the client. Example change data in Material Master, changes to Purchase Req (PR), Purch Orders, Contracts, Sales Orders, and many more

Changes to a lot of SAP documents are stored in table CDHDR and table CDPOS.

SAP recordes every changes of any data in the database. which is called change documents.

From Basis Point of View, e.g. if we create a role and after that what ever changes made to that role, all the changes are recorded in the database. The changes recorded in the database is called change documents in terms of client copy.

Even if we copy a client by the profile SAP_ALL the change documents are not copied.

CDHDR Change document header
CDPOS Change document items
JCDS Change documents for System/User statuses (Changes to table JEST)

Function modules

Tables CDHDR and CDPOS can be read with functionmodules


Keyword: BASIS
Title : What are Changed Documents?


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