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SAP Installing an SAP License

Posted by Admin at
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The 24-position license key, which you receive from SAP by fax.


  1. Log on to the host on which the central SAP instance is running at operating system level as user
  2. adm (UNIX and NT) or OFR (AS/400).
  3. Call
  4. saplicense -install [ifile=] (AS/400: saplicense '-install [ifile=]'). If you are using an R/3 license key file, enter it as the . This file is created in OSS when your license key is assigned. If you are unable to download the installation file to your system, you can copy the contents of the file with cut and paste.

Example of an R/3 license key file:


If you are entering the data manually (that is, you are leaving out the optional parameter), make sure that you enter the key correctly, for example, that you distinguish between the number 0 and the uppercase letter O.

Example for entering the license data manually

Specify your sap system name:

Specify your customer key:
CUSTOMER KEY = D1889390344

Specify your installation number:
INSTALLATION NO = 0005500021

Specify your expiration date:

Specify your license key:
LICENSE_KEY 1...5....0....5....0...4

saplicense: License successfully installed

The license is now installed and activated.

  1. Check whether you can log on to the R/3 System.

After logging on, choose System ® Status.

Check whether the following SAP system data agrees with the data just entered:

    • Installation number
    • License expiration

If you can log on and the data is correct, the license was correctly installed.


  • If you get the following message when installing the license:

saplicense: License not installed, *** Wrong license data specified

you probably mistyped one of the values. Please make sure that you use the correct uppercase/lowercase in the entries.

Also note that the Backspace (delete character) key is not set correctly on some terminals. You should therefore avoid using this key.

  • It is not necessary to start/stop the R/3 System in order to install the license. The installed license becomes active immediately.
  • If you experience any problems installing the license key, enter a problem message in OSS specifying component XX-SER-SWFL-LIC.

  • Keyword: BASIS
    Title : SAP Installing an SAP License


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