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[sap-log-mm] How to Link a Current PO which is on An Old Vendor Number to the New Vendor Number

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Question from Siobhain on Nov 8 at 9:42 AM
I know it is possible, as it was done in the last company I worked at. However, I can't remember how to do this, as I work in accounts and not purchasing. It wasn't something I did but I would like to show purchasing/procurement that this can be done.

How can I link a current PO which is on an old vendor number to the new vendor number? Same company but differnt vendor number. The PO has open items so they don't wan to close it off and set up a new PO. Currently, when posting an invoice through miro, I am having to over ride the old vendor number to the new one, in the details tab, if this isn't done then it posts the invoice to the old vendor.
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