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[sap-other] How to Export Data in KSB1 Report

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Question from sapscriptingnewbie on Apr 17 at 4:28 AM

Not really sure if this is one for the Excel forums or SAP forums, but thought I'd try my luck here first...

I'm using the SAP script recorder, which is generating the code that I copy and paste straight into VBA, so that I can run the report straight from an Excel macro.

I've got it all working with the exception of two things that I was hoping someone could assist with.

1) Upon running the Macro - SAP will open a message box saying 'A script is trying to attach to GUI), which I have to click OK on. Is there anyway to remove this message box so that it just runs?

2) When the report is run in SAP and I try to export to spreadsheet format, the save as dialog box that pops up does not record in the SAP script, so it still pops up during the excel macro and has to be 'OK'd'. Anyone know how to code this so that it will automatically save and overwrite any existing file?
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