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RE: [sap-basis] SAP Report That Was Running in the Background Has Come Up Cancelled

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Reply from KenThomson on Apr 11 at 6:49 PM
If you just want to re-run the same job again using the same variant then simply locate the failed job and set it running again using the 'repeat scheduling' method.
Of course there is the chance that the repeat job will also fail, depending on why it failed in the first place, so you may need to get the content of the selection variant that that failed job had and check/correct it before running it again.
If the variant is a system variant (not a user created and saved variant) you may find it difficult to get the contents, let me know if you need any further assistance with that.
Regards, Ken

---------------Original Message---------------
From: clouds1980
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 4:28 AM
Subject: SAP Report That Was Running in the Background Has Come Up Cancelled


I just wondered if there was any way that you can rerun a report in SAP instead of having to go through completing all the parameters again? Also if there is a way that you can get the info off the report that cancelled i.e. account company, etc. as I have run around 19 reports and 3 have cancelled on me and I want the quickest and easiest way to find out what ones they were and rerun them.


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