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Reply from didierferrer1030 on Sep 3 at 4:54 PM You have a registered VAT code in all those countries to which you deliver. So you have to charge and pay VAT in those countries. How can we deal with this in SAP? --> the solution : Create the plants abroad even, you have not real plants and do not any goodsmovement crossboders without selling it. Thanks Didier De : tilgulkarcn email@removed Envoy? : mercredi 24 ao?t 2016 05:03 ? : didierferrer1030 Objet : Re: [sap-acct] VAT handling in SAP for distace sale via webshop in EU to other EU Reply from tilgulkarcn on Aug 24 at 1:02 AM Hi, In my opinion consignment stocks and sale would resolve the issue. You may explore on the net and take decision. This is basically storing of material overseas and billing as and when required. In the process you would get stock at those locations. All the best, CNT
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: tilgulkarcn Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 1:06 AM Subject: VAT handling in SAP for distace sale via webshop in EU to other EU Hi, In my opinion consignment stocks and sale would resolve the issue. You may explore on the net and take decision. This is basically storing of material overseas and billing as and when required. In the process you would get stock at those locations. All the best, CNT | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |