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RE:[sap-basis] Kernel 745 DCK Release Level 100

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Reply from Snowy on Apr 25 at 4:36 PM

a few things to do when updating a kernel on Windows-based system. I usually disable the SAP services and then stop them, then, I updated the kernel files on all kernel locations. Finally, re-enable services and start them.

Why disable services? because if a windows session has an opened SAPMMC window opened, it might try to re-open SAP services over and over again.... and this wil lcause issues while copy kernel files.

One Last thing, I do not trust to automatic copy of files with the SAP mechanism! I prefer doing this myself manually!

good luckj.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Phil S
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 10:31 AM
Subject: Kernel 745 DCK Release Level 100

I am trying to use the 745 downward compatible kernel on a EHP7 system now. I have copied the kernel files to the <path>\sys\exe\uc\NTAMD64 location, and when I go to restart the system, the files are not being copied over. According to note 2251972 this should work now.

This is a single system install where the msg_server and enserver reside on instance 01, and the other services run on the 00 instance.

I have manually tried copying the files to the direct location under the DVEBMGS00\exe, and under the ASCS01\exe location, but the system will not start if I do that. If I try to cycle the windows services, the 01 service fails to start. It just quits as soon as I try, indicating it can't start.

If I revert back to the original 742 level, it works just fine.


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