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RE:[sap-other] When I search on "multiple queries" they list and immediately go to a blank screen...

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Reply from midha8283 on Mar 6 at 8:05 AM
I have Create a P.O and release and Ammend P.O for minor problem ammend P.O T-CODE(ZMMP_AMMEND_INI) and create a SES and send for MIRO Then minor problem i have not a delete the SES and i have new SES Create I have a service sel. amount Quantity full adopt and SES create a differ amount i.e P.O amt. Rs 65813/- SES craete a Rs 571999/- automaticaly

---------------Original Message---------------
From: BobNesbit
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 3:14 PM
Subject: When I search on "multiple queries" they list and immediately go to a blank screen...

When I search on "multiple queries" they list and immediately go to a blank screen and does not allow access to any articles listed.

I'm trying to figure out how to have two queries. One for report A and another for Report B. They use the same universe - in different ways.

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