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Re: [sap-acct] Asset Depreciation 140%

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Reply from vicentini on Nov 5 at 12:04 PM
From the 15 of October all the assets in Italy can be depreciated of 140% just from the fiscal point of view.
So the accounting report and the values in the balance don't change (normal value of 100% of the costs); you need to have a second rail where to calculate the bigger depreciation.
Some years ago there was the opportunity in Italy of depreciate faster the assets for the first 3 years from the purchasing just for the fiscal declaration and we used to have another area in every asset with different parameters but total depr. was always 100%.
Now this new rule is for every company in Italy so probably SAP will receive a lot of request to study how to solve.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: stephen doole
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 12:26 PM
Subject: Asset Depreciation 140%

Thank you for your answers.

In Italy for 2015 and 2016 year it's possible (the best), this operation is called "super ammortamento": if you have an asset cost of 100 € I can accumulate depreciation of -140 €

To increase investment.

So there isn't key depreciation to do it?

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