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Reply from hovering_yogi on Aug 10 at 9:30 AM You need to stop posting the same question to multiple groups and also define your requirement within the question. What you are trying to do looks horrid and something that should be done in the access sequence config not in coding but that might not be the case if you have a very specific requirement - but what is that requirement?
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: aneelmunawar Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 8:38 AM Subject: Add Items in MV45AFZZ How can I add multiple parvw in tkomk in the exit FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK. in the include MV45AFZZ. I have used the following code. But it works only for one pRAVW. I have defined many parvw for one customer. REAd TABLE xvbpa into wa_XVBPA with key kunnr = VBAK-KUNNR. IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0. PERFORM XVBPA_LESEN(SAPFV45K) USING wa_XVBPA-parvw VBAP-POSNR SY-TABIX. MOVE XVBPA-PARVW TO TKOMK-WTY_V_PARVW. MOVE XVBPA-kunnr TO TKOMK-WTY_V_PARNR. ENDIF. | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |