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Reply from horacio zapettini on Aug 11 at 7:49 AM ZARIXFI2 is not available in our system (and as it's name starts with "Z" I'd rather think it's a custom table available in your system. If I were you, I'd start with se11 and a where used list, just to find out which program(s) are using the table. One of them (or may be more) are reading it in a non keyed access. You may point your guns in that direction. (I mean, st05 to those programs). You may want to tell us how many rows does ZARIXFI2 has? and the structure of that table as well. (fields, data elements and indexes). With regards to ST05: you have to "Activate Trace with Filter" Then you'd have to specify the user name (usually your user name), the transaction code or program name you want to analyze and the tables you want to include/exclude. Run the code for a while and "Deactivate Trace" After that you can analyze the trace. HTH Horacio
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: fongoodty mas baruly Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:49 AM Subject: Archiving Infostructure ZZFI_DOCUMNITK & SAP_FI_DOC_002 for Structure Table ZARIXFI2 Dear Adrian, Thanks for the advices. However we would want to know more why this table is accessed even for MIGO & MIRO. Dear Horacio, I tried to activate the trace with ST05 to include table ZARIXFI2, but I could not find any trace history of object ZARIXFI2. Am I looking into the right column (Object)? Or should I be looking into another column? Thanks. Regards, Fongoodty | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |