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RE:[sap-other] Actual Hours Not Reflecting In CNS41 Report

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Reply from deddy wijaya on Jul 19 at 6:55 PM
Yes, CN30 and COFC should be the correct treatment to re-post incorrect confirmation against network activities.
However, please be aware to re-post timesheet/confirmation against already closed period!.

Ideal situation of CATS-PS posting: the result in CN30 and COFC should be ZERO of empty.

Again, as suggested by David, please use CN48 or CN48N to analyse confirmation, if you are insist to use CNS41 or any other Structure Overview report you need to populate Actual Work Column and save your desired layout. In addition, there are also a number of standard CATS related reports e.g. CADO etc. can also be used for analysis purpose.

Hope this helps your issue.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: RSVR Murthy
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 1:12 AM
Subject: Actual Hours Not Reflecting In CNS41 Report


Actual hours are booked, approved and transferred but it's not reflecting
in CNS41 report. Data is there in CATSDB, CATSPS and AFRU tables but not in
CNS41 report. Please advise.

Thanks & Regards,

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deddy wijaya  

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