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RE:[sap-acct] CoA Conversion Issue in SAP

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Reply from JSWAMI on Jun 26 at 3:50 AM

A few quick suggestions after seeing the above conversation.

Please ask the finance team to have the Old COA as well as the proposed new COA listed in an Excel sheet, as a first preparatory step. The Trial Balance amounts can also be populated alongside both the COA's. Once this exercise is done they should have an idea as to the number of accounts in the old COA vis a vis the new COA. All the old outdated accounts (not required any longer in the new scheme of things) as well as the new GL accounts can be assigned some reference to trace them back. '1 to many and 'many to 1' first needs to be given a shape in the form of a table.

Once this exercise is done am sure there will be a lot of clarity on the way forward. Unless some paper exercise is completed along with the Trial Balance reconciliation, it would be difficult to conceptualize further. Trust this helps your finance team.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Jackson
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 5:38 PM
Subject: CoA Conversion Issue in SAP


My company wants to convert current CoA to new CoA in SAP ERP, we are planning to use SAP SLO tool to do the conversion. But the biggest issue we are facing is in our mapping table. We have some cases like '1-Many' or 'Many-1' Segment mapping which SAP said they are unable to do the conversion regarding these kinds of use cases.

So whether you also met this situation in your SAP? If so, how did you handle that?
We are also discussing with another vendor named QS&S to view the issues.

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Best Regards,

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