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RE:[sap-acct] CoA Conversion Issue in SAP

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Reply from LCC352 on Jun 25 at 4:36 PM
Hi, Jackson. From that question, I now understand that you're not really familiar with SAP. That's okay. It just gives me insight as to how to explain things.

ABAP is the proprietary language that all of SAP is written in, unless you're using SAP Business One. ABAP is object oriented as of ECC 6, but most people still write code in more of a procedural language style. When you execute a transaction in SAP, you're calling programs that are written in ABAP. SAP allows IT people to create programs, functions, methods, etc., that usually start with the letter Z. The program I'm describing to you would be one of those custom-developed Z programs.

Do you have access to the SAP team? If so, some of them will be ABAP programmers along with functional configurers.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Jackson
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 5:38 PM
Subject: CoA Conversion Issue in SAP


My company wants to convert current CoA to new CoA in SAP ERP, we are planning to use SAP SLO tool to do the conversion. But the biggest issue we are facing is in our mapping table. We have some cases like '1-Many' or 'Many-1' Segment mapping which SAP said they are unable to do the conversion regarding these kinds of use cases.

So whether you also met this situation in your SAP? If so, how did you handle that?
We are also discussing with another vendor named QS&S to view the issues.

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Best Regards,

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