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Reply from hijodelmar on Mar 9 at 12:45 PM I found this fum call function 'MENU_AGR_TREE_READ_HIERARCHY' What my selection looks like if my ALV output is going to be : TYPES: begin of lt_menuroles, ROLE like AGR_HIER-AGR_NAME, "Role name TXTROLE like AGR_HIERT-TEXT, " Description SUBMENU like AGR_HIERT-TEXT, " Menu TRANSCODE like AGR_TCODES-TCODE, " Transaction TRANSTXT like TSTCT-TTEXT, "Description END OF lt_menuroles. DATA: LT_OUTPUT TYPE TABLE OF lt_menuroles WITH HEADER LINE, LS_OUTPUT type lt_menuroles. How do I make my loops ? Thanks you for you help
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: hijodelmar Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 11:16 AM Subject: Create a simple report using table AGR_HIER / HELP PLZ!!!! Hi Folks, I'm just starting with Abap and I would like to create an abap program with ALV output, I'm using the following tables: AGR_HIER , AGR_HIERT_ AGR_TEXTS, TSTCT. The Idea is display the menus of the role. My concern is when I try to select the data from AGR_HIER. My alv look like this. ROLE NAME (AGR_HIER) - ROLE DESCRIPTION (AGR_TEXTS) - MENU (AGR_HIERT) - TRANSACTION (AGR_HIER) - DESCRIPTION TRANSACTION (TSTCT) I'm confused using the parent_id and object_id in cases when my role have folders in folders. If I have a role with 2 folders and each folder has one or 2 other folders with transactions. HR-masterdata subfolder1 subfolder2 PA20-transaction HR-display-master-data PA51-transaction subfolder1 SUIM-transaction Subfolder2 Subfolder3 SE80-transaction My program have two parameters, Roles (Select option AGR_HIER-AGR_NAME) and P_LANGU value SY-LANGU. Thank a lot for your help. Omar | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |