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RE: [sap-dev] Print The Field Bseg-Sgtxt On Form

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Reply from horacio zapettini on Mar 26 at 7:18 AM

Hhave you debuged the code after reading bseg and before using the value?

IMO, there is something wrong with your code (perhaps, you're clearing bseg, or you aren't accessing the right record... or... you have a select endselect and a later record has the field cleared ... or ... you're reading bseg into an internal structure and that field is being read but into that structure and not into bseg-sgtxt... or... (as you may guess, the list of possible problems is not that short...)


---------------Original Message---------------
From: hahno
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 7:08 AM
Subject: Print The Field Bseg-Sgtxt On Form


I need to populate the field bseg-sgtxt on the form but for some reason it seems to be empty.
But I can see in se16n / bseg the field has values in it but I can't access them

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horacio zapettini  

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