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Reply from didierferrer1030 on Nov 30 at 5:37 PM Hi MK, Usually, we map the condition price ZZZI to value field V100 in KE4I Now we want to diverge, depending of the KNA1-VBUND value in the billing, Mapping the ? ZZZI to value field V100 OR ? ZZZI to value field V200. ? KNA1-VBUND = "US01?? Is the customer an intercompany For the condition price "ZZZI" if KNA1-VBUND = "US01" then the value field VV100 = the amount from "ZZZI" Else the value field VV200 = the amount from "ZZZI". Where to build this? In SD billing or COPA interface or in SMOD or in OKC9? MK, as you propose, I don't think, we can work with value fields VV* in the pricing procedure / routine Thanks Didier
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Masahiko Kohso Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 9:30 AM Subject: Substitute a Value Field in COPA Hi, How about 'Requirement' field in Pricing Procedure? It's called Routine, something like user-exit, but SMOD is not used. MK | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |