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RE: [sap-hr] Org Assignment -Position Set to 99999999 Default Position

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Reply from diana-lechintean on Aug 6 at 1:55 AM

Please check switch PLOGI PRELI in table T77S0.
In a personnel action (hiring, organizational reassignment), the person being hired is assigned to a position, and thereby indirectly to an organizational unit, job and cost center. This is done in the infotype "organizational assignment" (0001).
If, however, the position does not yet exist at the time of the action, the person can be assigned directly to an organizational unit.
The system fills the "position" field in the infotype "organizational assignment" (0001) with the default position defined in this entry.
Default Position.
This default position exists only in Personnel Administration and not in Organizational Management. In such a case you should therefore create a position in organizational management as well and assign it to the person concerned. The default position takes on, therefore, the function of a human resource pool. That is, everyone assigned initially to this position has yet to receive his own position.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: ronnie tolentino
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 1:47 AM
Subject: Org Assignment -Position Set to 99999999 Default Position


No, it may be the result of your OM not being integrated with your PA. Please be reminded that if your OM is integrated with PA, you cannot hire an employee w/o position being created in OM.

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