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Question from D. Caddick on Jul 30 at 6:32 AM Hi, We have a problem where large company, "A" has split into two companies "A" and "B". We have performed a fresh install of Solution Manager 7.1 for company "B" and now want to create a transport request for the project documentation from Company "A" Solution Manager system. We have been successful with one project but have come across a problem where documents have been checked out and never checked in again. A lot of these go back 5+ years, and the people do not exist in the system anymore. We are unable to create a Transport for the project because some documents have been checked out. Is there a solution to mass check in all checked out documents? or is there a way to create the transport request ignoring the checked out Documents? Regards | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |