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[sap-log-mm] Confusion Plus Query Regarding Tax Code

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Question from arghyaray on Jul 30 at 9:10 AM
Hi all,

I'm new to SAP MM and have some sort of confusion & query regarding tax code.

We make a tax code and it assign with country code.

After that, we create tax code through FTXP - and different tax codes assign with company code.

1. First of all, why we make tax code - only to defy tax procedure whether it's input or output?

2. In a company code, there is numerous tax code & in purchasing document - ME21N, we mention a tax code in item detail's invoice tab.
And a company code also has number of document types.

Now, my question is how could we know in a specific purchasing document type - we mention a specific tax code that triggers a specific taxing procedure? - How does it happen - if company code maintains, only one taxing procedure, then for company could have different different taxing procedure for different process ( like import, domestic purchase ... ) , ....

3. In country code level, we maintain a pricing procedure for a material. Suppose, that country has numerous states / provinces and should have different pricing structure + taxation process for different regions ... then, how could we encapsulated all these things ( pricing + taxation ) with one pricing procedure in country code level?
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