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Re: [sap-security] Locking down FB01 and associated tcodes

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Reply from GRCQuest on Jul 30 at 8:26 AM
FB01 is the transaction that generatet the accounting documents but in most cases, you start with a different transaction. For example, if you generate an invoice using VF01, it will call FB01 to generate the accounting document - you don't have to do this manually yourself. The same happens when you use transaction F-02 to perform G/L account posting. FB01 is call to create an accounting doc when you save the journal posting. You can then display the posting/accounting doc later with FB03. This is the reason why unlike other SODs which require 2 or more transactions to create a conflict, FB01 alone is enough to create the conflict if it has authorizations that permit the same user to generate accounting documents based on activities from subsidiary ledgers (i.e. Sales invoices, Vendor invoices, account write-offs, etc.) as well as general ledger (i.e. Journal entries).

Peter Lee

---------------Original Message---------------
From: James Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 10:37 PM
Subject: Locking down FB01 and associated tcodes

Thanks Peter,

I understand what you're saying but I'm not sure how to post to a subsidiary ledger without going via another account (customer / vendor etc).

If I use FB01 I get error message F5354 with diagnosis "Account xxxx in company code yyyy is marked as a reconciliation account for account type "K" and cannot therefore be directly posted to."

Do I conclude we (with current config) cannot directly post to a subsidiary ledger or should I be using a different tcode? (If so - which).


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