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RE:[sap-acct] Two GL Revenue Accounts with one Bank Account

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Reply from Nikki Klein on May 8 at 6:52 PM
Hi Sunny,

The standard way in SAP is to make use of the subaccount approach. The SAP delivered chart of accounts for company code 0001 demonstrates this. You'd create a Bank Master GL account (such as 111000) which is NOT open item managed, and this is the GL account you assign to the House Bank / Bank Account. Then you create the GL accounts that are the subaccounts (eg 111003 Revenue from EFT, 111004 Revenue from Checks or whatever). These accounts ARE open item managed. In a typical set up, you might create GL accounts 111000, 111001, 111002, 111003, 111004, 111005, 111006, 111007, 111008 and 111009 where 000 = Bank Master, and the others represent things like Incoming Wires, Outgoing Checks, ZBA Transfers, etc etc.

Then when incoming customer revenues are posted you choose the appropriate GL subaccount (or if you are using Lockbox or Electronic Bank Statement to record incoming revenues, you configure that in the same way).


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sunny
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:33 AM
Subject: Two GL Revenue Accounts with one Bank Account

Hello Gurus,
I'm struggling to fulfil business decision to go with Two separate GL Revenue Accounts with one Bank Account.

We already have one House Bank connected with one bank account and with one GL account. I'm thinking of creating the same house bank in FI12 with a different key and assign the second GL account to it. The bank account # would be same in both house banks.

We'll receive eft payment automatically in these GL accounts and eventually it will be deposited into one bank account. Business would like to keep the track separately for both of the revenue sources.

Do you guys see any issue in creating two house bank accounts for one bank account?
Is there any other way to have Two GL accounts connected with one bank account?

Thank You

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Nikki Klein  

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