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[sap-acct] MIRO: Incorrect Amounts On GR/IR Clearing Account

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Question from dgilley500 on Feb 6 at 3:56 PM
In the processing of the GRIR the amounts of the GRIR is double the invoice amount. Apears to a random event where many line items are correct and then you will have one PO line item that is incorrect..

Doc Type Doc # 601310066-0001 GRIR Liability AP Liability
Goods Receipt Doc 5000437603 2,109.00 (2,109.00)
Invoice Doc 5100422633 (2,109.00) 4,218.00 (2,109.00)
- 2,109.00 (2,109.00)

* Invoice documents # 5100422633 cleared out the original expense booked to the NWA and left a debit balance in GRIR.

Anyone ever run across something like this.
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