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RE:[sap-abap] Adding a Field to the Transaction ES32

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Reply from deg876559 on Feb 8 at 9:46 AM

1- You should search the programme called by the transaction ES32.
2- Display the programme SE38
3- Copy the programme and create other one ZXXXXXX.
4- Add you field in abap programme.
5- create a transaction who call the new programme for exemple ZES32 TCODE: SE93

I hope it will help you

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Mfarooq_abap
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 1:37 AM
Subject: Adding a Field to the Transaction ES32

Hi All,
I have a requirement wherein I have to add a new field to the transaction ES32 at the billing document level. I have find a customer exit EBIA0001 which is for custom defined fields at billing document level.is this the relevant one to enhance or add the field to ES32. Please help me find the solution.

Thanks in advance,

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