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Re: [sap-basis] Restore Database Error

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Reply from Satish Ahirkar on Feb 19 at 7:47 AM
Dear Ashok,

Please check the renfwrhu.rsf log file

BR0401I BRRESTORE 7.20 (1)
BR0405I Start of file restore: renfwrhu.rsf 2014-02-19 13.03.58
BR0484I BRRESTORE log file: H:\oracle\ECP\sapbackup\renfwrhu.rsf
BR0101I Parameters
Name Value
oracle_sid ECP
oracle_home E:\oracle\ECP\11203
oracle_profile E:\oracle\ECP\11203\database\initECP.ora
sapdata_home H:\oracle\ECP
recov_interval 30
restore_mode all
backup_dev_type disk
compress no
disk_copy_cmd copy
exec_parallel 0
system_info Administrator QxxxxxxXD Windows 6.1 Build
7601 Service Pack 1 AMD64
oracle_info ECP
make_info NTAMD64 OCI_10201_SHARE Mar 10 2010
command_line brrestore -p External_initECP.sap -d disk
-n2 bemyzvvv.fnd=L:\ECP_Backup -k no -l E
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2014-02-19 13.03.58
BR0407I Restore of database: ECP
BR0408I BRRESTORE action ID: renfwrhu
BR0409I BRRESTORE function ID: rsf
BR0422I Backup file for restore directly from disk:
BR0416I 1 file found to restore, size 0.000 MB
BR0424I Files will not be decompressed
BR0421I Restore device type: disk
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2014-02-19 13.03.58
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2014-02-19 13.04.01
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
BR0274E File 'bemyzvvv.fnd' not found
BR0406I End of file restore: renfwrhu.rsf 2014-02-19 13.04.01
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2014-02-19 13.04.01
BR0404I BRRESTORE terminated with errors



---------------Original Message---------------
From: Ashok .
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 6:17 AM
Subject: Restore Database Error

Hi Satish,

Paste here the log form log file: H:\oracle\ECP\sapbackup\renfwrhu.rsf



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Satish Ahirkar  

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