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Re: [sap-log-sd] FD33 doesn't Calculate Open Orders, Deliveries and Billing Docs Correctly

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Reply from deddy wijaya on Dec 5 at 4:14 PM
Have you check in tcodr VKM1?
If credit blocked you'll find it here.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: M_Maria
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 6:42 AM
Subject: FD33 doesn't Calculate Open Orders, Deliveries and Billing Docs Correctly

Unfortunately I am just a dummy in SAP but now I need to use FD33 transaction without additional training. So hope you would help me.

Problem is that using FD33 I see some amounts of open orders, deliveries and billing docs but these amounts do not equal to proper amounts which are calculated using FBL5n, Va05 and deliveries summarizing. To calculate such amounts in FD33 I enter this transaction, delete date into HORIZON then go to GOTO-CONTROL AREA DATA-STATUS. After is I can see sums (ENVIRONMENT-SALES AND DISTRIBUTION DOCS - OPEN ORDERS / OPEL DELIVERIES AND BILLING DOCS). Please advise what source of mistake could it be. Is it mistake of whole system used into our company or am I using FD33 transaction incorrectly?

Another problem is that I can not see blocked orders into FD33 and when one have several such orders for one client it is not comfortable. Is it possible to do anything to see them?

Thank you in advance for your help,

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